
Rivals of aether ori
Rivals of aether ori

  • My God, What Have I Done?: Has this moment after his assault on Water Town, realizing that his blind following of the Fire Empire might have led to more harm than good.
  • Missing Mom: While his father plays a role in the story, there is no mention of Zetterburn's mother.
  • Man Bites Man: His standard attack combo ends in him chomping down on his foe.
  • Lovable Jock: In Lovers of Aether, he's the popular captain of the football team and is introduced as your good friend throughout the game.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He has some of the fastest attacks and movement in the game while still having decent weight.
  • Lag Cancel: If he lands his dash attack, Zetterburn can cancel the lag and immediately use his up strong afterwards.
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: Zetterburn doesn't have any particular strengths or weaknesses, which makes him an excellent character for beginners.
  • His strong attacks deal greatly increased damage to anyone who is ignited.
  • Injured Vulnerability: Be careful if you have been set on fire by Zetterburn.
  • Hot-Blooded: All puns aside, his personality is more fleshed out in the Creatures of Aether spin-off, which portrays him as being rather aggressive and prideful.
  • Fireballs: He can throw these from his mane with his side special.
  • Fiery Lion: An anthropomorphic lion with Flaming Hair and fire powers.
  • Flaming Hair: His mane and tail tip are made entirely of flames, and appear to be the source of most of his flame-based attacks.
  • Easily Forgiven: Considering some of the stuff he did to both Orcane and Forsburn, there's not really any scolding from either of them after the final battle.
  • Expy: Of Fox and Wolf as they appear in the Super Smash Bros series.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: His response to a doppelganger of Orcane stealing the Flame Imperium is to burn Orcane's home village of Merchant Port to the ground.
  • Damage Over Time: He can set opponents on fire, causing damage over time.
  • Damage-Increasing Debuff: Zetterburn's strong attacks deal double knockback to foes ignited by his various flame attacks.
  • Art Evolution: He finally gets to have his loincloth in Definitive Edition, among other sprite touch ups.
  • Straightforward and unyielding to any rivals that come his way, Zetterburn fights using only his own claws and literal firepower. When Renburn is assassinated, he sets out from the Fire Capital to avenge his father. Zetterburn is one of the Firelands' greatest champions, son of Emperor Renburn and an experienced warrior with all the courage and fury to prove it.

    Rivals of aether ori